July 30, 2018 December 8, 2018
Decaversary Hoard Pack
Summer of 2018 marked a legendary milestone for Wizard101, the ten year anniversary of the game we know and love! July presented us the Decaversary Hoard Pack. As per every normal hoard pack, you’ll find pets, mounts, gear and lots of other random stuff. Let’s just dig in and explore some of the most unique items found within.
Decade Dragon Pet
The dragon that puts all other dragons to shame! The Decade Dragon not only looks astonishing, but comes with decent base stats. As for the talents, those are a little underwhelming.
Decade Dragon Pet Talents & Derby
Decaversary Pet Mega Snacks
Watch out, Fancy Yogurt, there are other mega snacks in town! There is a total of 3 new mega snacks, but so far we’ve uncovered one. As for the others, we only know the names as they seem to drop very rarely from the pack.
Decaversary Cake
Birthday Pheasant
Decade Vortex Mounts
Now you see me, now you don’t! The Decade Vortex mounts come in seven different variations, one for each school of magic. No additional stats are provided by these mounts except for the standard +40% speed.
Decaversary Gear
Nothing out of the ordinary, however if you find yourself messing around with this gear you might actually come up with something. Just watch our Eric Stormbringer come up with some new dual school PvP technique. The item cards are indeed useful unlike some other gear sets. Not to forget the gear design. There is a new Ambrose in town!
Decaversary Wands
Ordinary stats, interesting may cast spells, but mind blowing wand designs! Three different staffs with the same concept design, the Spiral! Are you ready to be the next Ambrose? In all seriousness, the may cast aura spells can be quite useful if utilized in the correct scenario and IF you can get them to cast. Lots of ifs…
Celebration Staff
Commemoration Staff
Jubilation Staff
Pigswick House Guests
Below is a preview of lots and lots of different animated Pigswick Student models. There are literally more than 10 various models for you to discover and if you don’t believe us, we took a screenshot of one particular pack opening. Get on decorating!
Test Pack Opening