Pandamonium Hoard Pack

Wizard101’s Spring 2019 test realm comes to an end with the release of a hoard pack, the Pandamonium Hoard Pack! This pack is one of the most ridiculously adorable ones to hit the Spiral as you will observe below! Like other packs, it can be obtained in the Crown Shop for the regular price of 399 crowns per pack, which will grant you 7 random items from within. Try your luck for a chance to win several mounts, pets, gear and weapons. At the end of the day, let’s not forget about the actual animal previously endangered and the hard work it took to actually save it!

Pandamonium Hoard Pack Preview

Panda Mounts

This pack introduces not just one mount, but three! You will discover these unique panda mounts within this pack, but better hope that luck is on your side because they are rumored to be an extremely rare drop. No additional stats or an increased speed boost have been recorded on these mounts.

Giant Panda

Pandamonium Hoard Pack Panda Mount

Grand Panda

Pandamonium Hoard Pack Panda Mount

Great Panda

Pandamonium Hoard Pack Panda Mount

Baby Panda Pets

As you will notice in this pack, many things come in three and so do the pets. That being said, we are still missing one of these elusive pets, so if you have any info regarding the one not listed below or the talents they each have, feel free to contact us and we will obviously credit you!

Precious Panda Cubs

Pandamonium Hoard Pack Fire Pet


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Precocious Panda Cubs

Pandamonium Hoard Pack Storm Pet


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??? Panda Cubs



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The Pandarian Hairstyle

A brand new hairstyle made its way to the game hidden within the mysteries of the Pandamonium Hoard Pack. Get your hands on the Pandarian hairstyle to keep up with the latest trends! Side note: This is also ideal for when you visit Disneyland.

Pandamonium Hoard Pack Hairstyle Girl

Pandamonium Hoard Pack Hairstyle Boy

Panda Gear Sets

While these gear sets have relatively lackluster stats, you will definitely want to take a look at the item cards. What is so special about them you might ask? Some of these item cards are spells we have already observed in action hundreds of times. However, this iteration comes with a twist. Each school gets a spell with an aftereffect, whether it is from the hat, robe or boots. This means they provide an attack accompanied by a secondary effect (e.g. Steal Charm, Weakness, or Stun)

White Pandamonium Warhelm

White Pandamonium Lamellar

White Pandamonium Boots

Ebony Pandamonium Warhelm

Ebony Pandamonium Lamellar

Ebony Pandamonium Boots

Crimson Pandamonium Warhelm

Crimson Pandamonium Lamellar

Crimson Pandamonium Boots

White Pandamonium Warhelm

White Pandamonium Lamellar

White Pandamonium Boots

Ebony Pandamonium Warhelm

Ebony Pandamonium Lamellar

Ebony Pandamonium Boots


Pandamonium Jian Weapons

Extremely unique! Again, not because of the stats, but because of the may cast spells. Each wand provides the chance to may cast either a Spirit, Elemental or Balance global damage spell. The Balance global spell is the only one previously encountered. It was found on spells like Gaze of Fate. The other 2 bubbles are completely new to the game, and represent the first time a bubble has buffed the damage of multiple specific schools.

Ebony Pandamonium Jian

Pandamonium Hoard Pack Spirit Wand

Crimson Pandamonium Jian

Pandamonium Hoard Pack Elemental Wand

White Pandamonium Jian

Pandamonium Hoard Pack Balance Wand

Housing Items

Time to start decorating, or continue in case you are an avid castle decorator! This pack provides a unique set of items for your castles to help set the perfect ambient for your guests.

What do you think of the Pandamonium Hoard Pack?
Will you be testing your luck?
Let us know what you find out about this pack in the comments below!

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With his main focus in Wizard101 PvE, you will find Cody knee deep fighting one of the Spiral's major bosses with an army of wizards at his disposal. Proficient in quite a few other areas of the game such as gardening, fishing, and most of all monstrology. Why monstrology? He chases after every single creature out there and catalogs them for all to see!


  • I still wanted to see how the bubble animations look like … ugh

  • The missing pet is the Playful Panda Cubs, a life pet. Haven’t trained mine all the way up yet, but at adult it has received 9% Critical Striker and 1% Armor Breaker. Stats are Strength-235, Intellect-235, Agility-230, Will-235 and Power at 240.

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