The Winter Wonder pack has arrived to the Spiral as part of the 12 days of the Spiral! It comes with a new mount as well as many other wonders.
Community Leader Vanessa Mythdust provides us with a 5 Round plan to defeat Grandfather Spider. Come take a look!
There's this interesting morse code puzzle in the Caterwaul Canyons in Mirage, which you have to complete to make a cheating boss spawn. Let's learn more about that, shall we?
Ready for a new challenge? Head over to fight Krampus, the new Christmas themed boss for some interesting rewards for your wizard!
Having trouble with the Mooshu fishing quests? Check out this guide to learn some tricks to help complete the quest faster!
Let's take a look back at the astral spells Aegis and Indemnity, to discover some of their potential uses and possible impacts on PvE.
Here's a first peak at the Wizard101 Mirage Gear we've found so far! We're eager to find more as soon as we can!
Final Bastion