Community Links
August 27, 2018
Wizard101 & Pirate101 Home Pages

Wizard101 & Pirate101 Fansites
Mercenaries 4 Hire
The Mercs4Hire are a group of wizards devoted to helping players get through hard content. Have a dungeon you can’t beat? A boss giving you trouble? The Mercs are here to help.
Central is Wizard101’s largest fansite, with over 200,000 users. It is packed full of information about everything Wizard101. Guides, PvP Competition, Stories & Poetry, Contests, and much more.
The Petnome Project & Petnome Pirates
The most in-depth source of Wizard101’s and Pirate101’s pet system information on the web. First generation Petnome info for nearly all available pets, helpful tools, and more!
Ran by several dedicated and esteemed community members, Adventures of the Spiral offers great information including an insightful fishing database for Wizard101 & a companion database for Pirate101.
Edward Lifegem bringing you with the latest Spiral news, most notorious community events and contests, and extremely useful tips to help safeguard your online safety even more!
Vanessa Mythdust bringing you with the latest Spiral news and theories regarding Kingsisle’s main MMOs and mobile games such as Animal Cove and War Goonz.
A group of notorious players hosting unique PvP events and creating innovative new ways and methods to PvP in Wizard101!
Streaming fun episodes and having amazing discussions of our favorite games!
Ditto runs a video blog of his journey through the spiral, from a “Fabricated American” perspective. He also emphasizes online safety for kids and parents.
Legends of the spiral is a multi-featured fan site with a ton of fun gadgets related to Wizard101. Make your own spell cards or Abracadoodle comics, communicate with other wizards, join contests, get wizard101 news, and much more!
Arcanum’s Archives is a site ran by a dedicated group of wizards who frequently host fun events, share great content and guides, and create interesting giveaways and contests for everyone to participate in.
The Friendly Necro is a blog with lots of fun insight into Wizard101. One of the longest running and most successful W101 blogs, you can read about his adventures in game, thoughts on W101 activities, and more.
Paige has lots of housing info for decorating your Wizard’s home, W101 and P101 inside scoops, and tons of fun contests!
Sorcer of the Spiral is run by Malorn WillowSmith. His finger is on the pulse of the Wizard101 fansite community, with blog links and regular updates regarding W101 community news.
Frostcaller runs one of the most impressive looking Tumblr blogs we’ve ever seen. It is regularly updated with beautiful pictures and important updates from Wizard101 and Pirate101. Check out Frostcaller for microblogging at its finest!
Swordroll’s Blog features news from all over the Spiral with quite a unique perspective and some impressive graphics. Additionally, you will find very detailed pack reviews among other guides.
Central continues their tradition of full-featured forum/fansites with a site for the Pirate101 community. Tons of guides and activities.
Stars of the Spiral with Wizard101 Gamma and Pirate101 Skyways with information on new content, guides and news!
An Official P101 Community Fansite, Skull Island TV hosts a collection of videos and articles by Dr. Zeppers. Site also features regular contests to get cool P101 items!
Streams, events and contests galore! This is the place to check out for all Wizards and Pirates alike!
Note: If you’d like to be featured in this list feel free to contact us here.