Pirate101 Ideal Pet Odyssey Banner Ideal P101 Pet

Pirate101: An Ideal Pet Odyssey #1

Are you interested in creating a perfect pet in Pirate101 but don’t know where to start?

I was in same place about a month ago.  Thanks to a lot of help from Pirate101 Oracle-Master-Sage-Guru-Watson-Omnipotent Leah and a few others, I now have some good pets to use and was able to create a max pedigree pet!  He’ll be used for some mass morphing in the near future (I was hoping to farm for some Funky Cold Medina but haven’t found any bosses that drop it).

This series of articles will summarize what I learned and the approach I used to get there.  Hopefully it will help you with your pet morphing adventures!


Many thanks to:

  • ~Joe~ at Central, who provided several hatches to help get me close to max pedigree
  • Bad Brian and Silent Allan Sharp for hatches
  • Sierra and Angus for an enjoyable pet discussion during a tower run and a hatch to put me over the top like Sly Stallone!


Article #1: What is the Pirate101 Perfect Pet?

armadilloThe first question to answer was: what would be the Pirate101 perfect pet?  Our first article will provide our opinion and why we think so.

Note that the focus is a pet for PvP and PvE.  An ideal pet for pet sparring would be quite different.  Perhaps someone in the community could write a guide?

Article #2: What is the Fastest Pet Training Approach?

three-pets Ideal P101 Pet

The second article focuses on Pirate101 pet training approaches that were the fastest and easiest for me. Note that Leah already wrote some amazing articles on Pirate101 Pet Leveling and Pirate101 Pet Snacks.  They are incredibly thorough and well researched, so if you’re familiar with pet morphing and training, I’d highly recommend checking them out.

My challenge was that I didn’t know enough to understand all the nuances she mentions when I first read them.  So this article is meant to be a “Cliff Notes” version, with a few of my thoughts and experiences sprinkled in, to supplement her article.

Article #3: What Morphing Strategies Were Used?

The last article will look at the Pirate101 pet morphing strategies I used, including morphs and results.


Article #4: Pets for the Community (timing TBD)

After getting into this, I realized that creating the exact pet you want is going to be much harder in Pirate101 than Wizard101.  I’ll get into the reasons in the articles.

So taking a lesson from horseshoes and hand grenades, I shifted the focus to being “close enough”:  Creating two max pedigree pets and then hatching them until some pets are developed with our “high priority” talents and powers.  It reminds me of an old Far Side cartoon where Alexander the Great is sitting in the kitchen and his mother is is telling him “And another thing…  I’m sick of people calling you Alexander-the-pretty-good!”  Unlike his Mom, we’re okay with pretty good…

Once I’m able to create some max pedigree pets with decent talents and powers showing, I plan to offer them to the community for morphing.  It probably will take a few months but stay tuned!


Any comments on your Pirate101 Pet Morphing Experiences?  Is there anything I missed or something else about this project that you’d like to hear about in the upcoming articles?  Let us know!


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