November 14, 2023 November 15, 2023
Wizard101 Jewel Audit
Subject to Change
The Jewel Audit has not yet reached the normal game servers. Anything shown on Test-Realm may change before being pushed to Live-Realm.
Alongside with the new max level of 170, the Wallaru update is giving us new pins and jewels with the Jewel Audit. Apart from simply having higher stats compared to their predecessors, some Jewel shapes have gained entirely new stats. The availible Jewel Sockets on each piece of gear have also changed. With this updates comes a lot more freedom in customizing your character stats.
From More to Less Exciting:
- Percent Damage Circle Jewels
- Health Square Jewels
- New Jewel Socket templates for all gear pieces
- Pip Conversion Power Pin for your own school
- Outgoing Healing Square Jewel
- Universal Block Rating Square Jewels
- Pip Conversion Triangle Jewels
- Archmastery Triangle Jewel
- Critical Rating Circle Jewels
- Better Sword Pins
- Better Shadow Pip Rating Triangle Jewel
- Better Mana Tear Jewel
New Pins
Why Did Life and Ice Not Get New Punishing Pins?
New Jewels
School | Health | Universal Block |
Balance | +670 | +53 |
Death | +650 | +56 |
Fire | +595 | +52 |
Ice | +595 | +49 |
Life | +775 | +57 |
Myth | +595 | +49 |
Storm | +525 | +44 |

The new Square Jewels give much more Health than their old Tear Jewel counterparts: A valuable addition for PvE players. After a long time, Square Jewels can now also hold universal Block, which might make Block Jewels viable. Aside from Circle Jewels, Healers can now also use Square jewels to enhance their support.

Wallaru will offer a decently strong Shadow Pip Rating Triangle Jewel and another with a lot of Archmastery Rating. Additional Archmastery can be detrimental to your teammates in PvE, so be careful! The third new option for this socket is Pip Conversion Rating for a school of your choice. Why some of these Triangle Jewels give a whole 2 Pip Conversion Rating less will probably remain a mystery. At least they aren’t school locked.
To: | Pip Conversion Rating |
Balance | +62 |
Death | +62 |
Fire | +60 |
Ice | +61 |
Life | +62 |
Myth | +61 |
Storm | +60 |


Jewel Socket Templates
That’s a lot of new options! A Damage Jewel on your Deck, an Archmastery Jewel on your Amulet or a +68 Mana Jewel on your wand! How great! You might need to decide between a Circle and Triangle Socket on your Athame. Perhaps we can even make two Tear Jewels on a Ring with no Health stat work.