Matthew was an avid Pirate101 PvP’er and was active in the PvP scene since the release of Valencia part 2, before retiring. He was a swashbuckler main, who reached champion repeatedly and innovated new, powerful companion loadouts. Nowadays, in addition to administrative work for the site, he will write the occasional article when new content is released and hosts Pirate101 PvP tournaments a few times a year.
Bastion author Matthew discusses the current Pirate101 PvP meta game in detail. He also explains how it is possibly transforming into a rock, paper, scissors meta and offers some solutions.
Interested in Swashbuckler PvP in Pirate101? Check out this in-depth guide to the swashbuckler class, featuring gear, companion, pet, and power setup recommendations, as well as strategy discussion.
Ever wondered why most PvP players tend to use the same 10-15 companions? Here is a tier list of many of the companions in game (with 1v1 in mind). It includes explanations of what each tier includes and some specific examples.
Formerly fearsome foe turned friend... Haywire Battle Angel! This powerful battle angel is randomly dropped from the Ashes of the Armada pack. Learn how to best use it in this article!